18 Chapter 2
This section provides information on how to make effective use of the 11970 mixers.
Operating Precautions
Refer to the sections below for specific parameters to follow prior to mixer operation.
WARNING Do not exceed the maximum ratings listed below or permanent
damage to the mixer will result.
RF Input Power
Use the following parameters:
CW: No greater than 20 dBm
Pulse: No greater than 24 dBm at < 1 mSec
Average: No greater than 20 dBm
LO Input Power
Make sure the LO input power is no greater than 20 dBm.
Electrostatic Discharge
When installing the mixer, you must always connect the SMA cables to the spectrum
analyzer and LO amplifier BEFORE connecting them to the mixer. This will minimize the
danger of an electrostatic discharge damaging the mixer diodes.
11975A ALC Switch
BEFORE using the 11975A Amplifier to increase the LO input power, set the amplifier
ALC switch to the ON position. When this switch is in the OFF position the LO power can
be greater than 20 dBm. This level of LO power can destroy the mixer diodes. The ALC
switch is on the amplifier rear panel.
Waveguide Protective Foam
Do not remove, displace, or damage the white, nonconductive foam installed in the open
end of the waveguide. Since the mixer is amplitude calibrated with this foam in place,
tampering with it affects the calibration.