30 Chapter 2
Using the Mixers with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers
Using the Mixers with the 856X Series Spectrum Analyzers
External millimeter mixers can be used to extend the frequency coverage of the 8560
E-Series and EC-Series spectrum analyzers. (The 8560E/EC Option 002 and Option 327 do
not have external mixing capability.)
The 8560 E-Series and EC-Series spectrum analyzers contain an extensive menu of
functions that help with millimeter measurements. This example explains how to connect
external mixers to the spectrum analyzer, how to choose the band of interest, how to store
conversion-loss factors, and how to use the optional automatic signal-identification
Set up the equipment
1. Figure 2-8 illustrates how to connect an external harmonic mixer to the spectrum
Figure 2-8 External Mixer Setup
NOTE Good-quality shielded SMA-type cables should be used to connect the mixer to
the spectrum analyzer to ensure that no signal attenuation occurs. Agilent
5061-5458 SMA-type cables may be used. Do not over-tighten the cables; the
maximum torque should not exceed 112 N-cm (10 in-lb.).