
8 Chapter 1
General Information
General Information
The Agilent Models 11970K, 11970A, 11970Q, 11970U, 11970V and 11970W are
general-purpose harmonic mixers with very flat frequency response characteristics and
low conversion loss. Collectively, they cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz. The
11970K covers the 18 - 26. 5 GHz range; the 11970A, the 26.5 - 40 GHz range; the 11970Q,
the 33 - 50 GHz range; the 11970U, the 40 - 60 GHz range; the 11970V, the 50 - 75 GHz
range; and the 11970W, the 75 - 110 GHz range.
The overall local oscillator (LO) frequency range of the 11970 Series Mixers is 3.0 to 6.1
GHz. Each of the mixers employs a different LO harmonic, and as a result has a different
optimum LO range within the overall LO range of the series.
The 11970 Series Mixers use the Agilent 11975A Amplifier to raise the LO power to their
required LO input level of 14 to 18 dBm. By taking advantage of the power leveling
capability of the 11975A, the mixers are able to achieve maximum measurement accuracy
(at optimum LO input level of 14.5 to 16 dBm).
A label on the end of each mixer shows a Conversion Loss Calibration table printed
especially for that particular mixer. An 8-1/ 2 by 11-inch calibration table shipped with the
mixer provides a larger, easier to read, version of the same table shown on the label, plus a
graph which shows the conversion loss and reference level offset across the mixers
frequency range. This calibration table must be employed for absolute amplitude
measurements. Also supplied with each mixer are five screws (four required) for attaching
the mixer RF input flange to the waveguide.
Mixers Covered by Manual
Serial Numbers
Attached to your mixer, is a label which shows both the mixer model number and its serial
number (two parts). The first four digits and the letter of the serial number are the serial
number prefix; the last five digits are the suffix. The contents of this manual apply to
mixers with the serial number prefixes listed under Serial Number Prefixes on the title
page of this manual.