Chapter 2 45
Using the Mixers with the 8566B Spectrum Analyzer
Using the Mixers with the 8566B Spectrum Analyzer
Set up the equipment
1. Connect the external harmonic mixer to the spectrum analyzer, as shown in Figure 2-17.
NOTE Good-quality shielded SMA-type cables should be used to connect the mixer to
the spectrum analyzer to ensure that no signal attenuation occurs. Agilent
5061-5458 SMA-type cables may be used. Do not over-tighten the cables; the
maximum torque should not exceed 112 N-cm (10 in-lb.).
Figure 2-17
External Mixer Connection
CAUTION Before connecting the Agilent 11975A Amplifier, set the ALC switch to ON.
Failure to do so can damage the mixer.
2. Power up the spectrum analyzer and then the amplifier.
3. Adjust the amplifier power to 16 dBm.
4. To access the spectrum analyzer’s millimeter bands, press
SHIFT and then the up arrow
until the desired band is displayed on the screen, as shown in Figure 2-18. Note that
this is important because toggling through the bands, causes the band to automatically
harmonic lock as evidenced by the on-screen annotation of “Harmonic 6” changing to