Agilent E1441A SCPI Command Reference 113
Chapter 3
50% for square waves.
• Possible Conflict with Output Frequency: The duty cycle is auto- matically
adjusted if you select a frequency that is not valid with the present duty cycle.
For example, if you set the duty cycle to 70% and then change the frequency to
8 MHz, the function generator will automatically adjust the duty cycle to 60%
(the upper limit for this frequency). A -221, “Settings conflict” error is
generated and the duty cycle is adjusted.
[SOURce:]PULSe:DCYCle? [MIN|MAX] queries the duty cycle setting. Returns a
value in percent.
[SOURce:]SWEep:SPACing LINear|LOGarithmic selects linear or logarithmic
spacing for the sweep. The default is Linear. [ Stored in volatile memory ]
[SOURce:]SWEep:SPACing? queries the sweep mode. Returns “LIN” or “LOG”.
[SOURce:]SWEep:TIME <time>|MIN|MAX sets the number of seconds required to
sweep from the start frequency to the stop frequency. Select from 1 ms to 500
seconds. The default is 1 second.
MIN = 1 ms. MAX = 500 seconds. The sweep time
setting is stored in volatile memory.
Comments • The number of frequency points in the sweep depends on the sweep time you
select and is automatically calculated by the function generator.
[SOURce:]SWEep:TIME? [MIN|MAX] queries the sweep time. Returns a value with
units of seconds.
Parameter Name Parameter Type Range of Values Default Units
time numeric 1 ms to 500 sec seconds