Agilent E1441A Application Information 31
Chapter 2
• FM Carrier Frequency
• Frequency Modulating Waveform Shape
• Frequency Modulating Waveform Frequency
• Peak Frequency Deviation
Only one modulation mode can be enabled at a time. When you enable
the previous modulation mode is turned off.
Use the following command to enable FM modulation: To ensure proper
operation, you should enable
FM after you have set up the other modulation
FM Carrier
Waveform Shape
FM carrier shape: Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, or Arbitrary waveform.
The default is Sine.
You cannot use the noise function or dc volts as the FM carrier waveform.
Use the following command to set the shape of the carrier waveform:
You can also use the APPLy command to select the function, frequency,
amplitude, and offset with a single command. Because the APPLy command
also changes duty cycle, modulation type, trigger source, and trigger slope,
you must place the APPLy command first in any sequence of configuration
FM Carrier Frequency Carrier frequency: 10 mHz to 15 MHz (100 kHz for triangle and ramp).
The default is 1 kHz.
For arbitrary waveforms, the maximum carrier frequency depends on the
number of points specified in the waveform. The five built-in arbitrary
waveforms can be output at a maximum of 5 MHz.
The carrier frequency must always be greater than or equal to the peak
frequency deviation. If you attempt to set the carrier frequency to a value less
than the deviation, the function generator will auto-matically adjust the
carrier frequency to equal the present deviation. A -221, “Settings conflict”
error is generated and the carrier frequency is adjusted.
The sum of the carrier frequency and peak frequency deviation must be less
than or equal to the maximum frequency for the selected function
100 kHz
(15.1 MHz for sine and square, 200 kHz for triangle and ramp,
and 5.1 MHz for arbitrary waveforms). If you attempt to set the carrier
frequency to a value that is not valid, the function generator will
automatically adjust the carrier frequency to equal the present deviation. A
-221, “Settings conflict” error is generated and the deviation is adjusted.
Use the following command to set the carrier frequency:
FREQuency <frequency>|MINimum|MAXimum