58 Agilent E1441A Application Information
Chapter 2
Application Program Examples
This section provides programs that demonstrate several applications of the
Agilent E1441A. You can use these examples to help you learn the
capabilities of the Agilent E1441A and then to help you develop programs
for your specific application.
C Language
All of the C Language example programs in this section are written for the
Agilent 82341A GPIB Interface Card using the Agilent VISA I/O Library.
Compiling and
Linking a C
You can find Specific instructions for compiling C language programs for
the PC in the Agilent VISA User’s Guide. See the section "Compiling and
Linking an Agilent VISA Program.
Example Programs
Burst Modulation Program
/* 1441brst.C - This program sets up a 10,000 cycle sine wave burst with */
/* a 270 degree starting phase. An offset voltage is added to the burst */
/* to create a haversine. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <visa.h>
void err_handler (ViSession vi, ViStatus x);
void main(void)
char buf[512] = {0};
ViStatus err;
ViSession defaultRM, funcgen;
/* Open resource manager and Function Generator sessions*/
if(err != VI_SUCCESS) err_handler(funcgen, err);
else printf("default RM opened OK\n");
err=viOpen(defaultRM, DEVICE_ADDRESS, VI_NULL,VI_NULL, &funcgen);
if(err != VI_SUCCESS) err_handler(funcgen, err);
else printf("instrument session opened OK\n");
/* Set the timeout value to 10 seconds. */
viSetAttribute(funcgen, VI_ATTR_TMO_VALUE, 10000);
/* Reset the module. */
err=viPrintf(funcgen, "*RST\n");
if(err != VI_SUCCESS) err_handler(funcgen, err);