162 Agilent E1441A Function Generator Tutorial
Appendix C
even numbers only (rounded down)
Compute the modulation pre-scaler divider:
(truncated to integer value ≥ 1)
Compute the number of points for the modulation waveform length:
(rounded down to even number)
Waveshapes are automatically expanded or compressed to match length “P”
computed above and downloaded into modulation RAM.
Example: Assume that you need to phase-continuously frequency hop between
the following nine frequencies every 200
15.0 MHz, 1.001 MHz, 9.780 MHz, 12.375 MHz, 0.5695 MHz,
3.579 MHz, 0.8802 MHz, 0.6441 MHz, and 10.230 MHz.
Solution: Create a modulation arbitrary waveform that is precisely sampled in
Fs = 1 / (9 x 200
µs) = 555.555 kHz (effective point clock)
Points (P) = (C/S) / Fs = 2250
S=1. If P greater than 4096, divide C by the smallest S to bring
P within range. Round down to an even P value.
Modulation Frequency (F) = (C/S) / 2 x 2250 = 555.55555 Hz
Round down in sixth digit to get modulation frequency to set.
Set the modulation frequency to 555.555 Hz.
Set the carrier frequency to (Max F + Min F) / 2 = 7.784750 MHz.
Set deviation (pk) frequency to (Max F – Min F) / 2 = 7.215250 MHz
Create and download a nine-segment arbitrary waveform with the values shown
below. Each segment is 250 points long (2250/9) for a total of 2,250 points. Use the
DATA VOLATILE command download to achieve 12-bit frequency resolution for
each point.
y = mX + b
To Check: Enable
FM by sending the following commands:
"FM:INT:FREQ 555.555"
"DIAG:PEEK? 0,0,0"
enter results < Prescale# (S) >,< Points (P) >
1 S+()
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