44 Using the Matrix Modules Chapter 3
Saving and Recalling States
*SAV <numeric_state> stores the current state of the matrix modules
channels. Up to 10 states can be stored by specifying <numeric_state> as
an integer 0 through 9. The following states are stored: Channel relay states
(open or closed), ARM:COUNt, TRIGger:SOURce, OUTPut[:STATe], and
*RCL <numeric_state> recalls the specified previously stored state. If the
specified <numeric_state> does not exist, the matrix module configures to
its power-on/reset states (see Table 3-2).
Example: Saving
and Recalling
States (BASIC)
This program shows one way to save and recall matrix modules states.
10 DIM A$[30]
! Dimensions string variable
A$ to 30 characters
20 OUTPUT 70915; "CLOS (@10000:10015)
! Closes channels on a matrix
30 OUTPUT 70915; "*SAV 5"
! Saves state as numeric state 5
40 OUTPUT 70915; "*RST; *CLS"
! Resets and clears the matrix
50 OUTPUT 70915; "CLOS? (@10000:10020)"
! Query to see which channels
are closed
60 ENTER 70915;A$
70 PRINT "Channels Closed:";A$
80 OUTPUT 70915; "*RCL 5"
! Recall numeric state 5
90 OUTPUT 70915; "CLOS? (@10000:10200)"
! Check if recalled channels are
100 ENTER 70915; A$
110 PRINT "Channels Closed:";A$
! Prints 1s for first 16 channels
closed and 0s for remaining 5
120 END