Matrix Modules Command Reference 79Chapter 4
IEEE 488.2 Common Commands Reference
The following table lists the IEEE 488.2 Common (*) commands that apply
to the E1465A, E1466A, and E1467A Relay Matrix Switch Modules. The
operation of some of these commands is described in Chapter 3 of this
manual. For more information on Common commands, refer to the user’s
manual for your mainframe or to the ANSI/IEEE Standard 488.2-1987.
Command Title Command Description
*CLS Clear Status Register Clears all status registers (see STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?).
*ESE Event Status Enable Enables Status Register bits.
*ESE? Event Status Enable Query Queries the current contents in the Standard Event Status Register
*ESR? Event Status Register Query Queries and clears the current contents in the Standard Event Status
*IDN? Identification Query Returns identification string of the Switchbox.
*OPC Operation Complete Sets the Request for OPC flag when all pending operations have
completed. Also, sets OPC bit in the Standard Event Status Register.
*OPC? Operation Complete Query Returns a "1" to the output queue when all pending operations have
completed. Used to synchronize between multiple instruments.
*RCL Recall Instrument State Recalls previously stored configuration.
*RST Reset Opens all channels and sets the module to a known state.
*SAV Save Instrument State Stores the current configuration in specified memory.
*SRE Service Request Enable Sets the Service Request Enable Register bits and corresponding
Serial Poll Status Register bits to generate a service request.
*SRE? Service Request Enable
Queries the current contents in the Service Request Enable Register.
*STB? Read Status Byte Query Queries the current contents in the Status Byte Register.
*TRG Trigger Triggers the module to advance the scan when scan is enabled and
trigger source is TRIGger:SOURce BUS.
*TST? Self-Test Query Returns +0 if self-test passes.
Returns +cc01 for firmware error.
Returns +cc02 for bus error.
Returns +cc10 if an interrupt was expected but not received.
Returns +cc11 if the busy bit was not held for 10 msec.
*WAI Wait to Continue Prevents an instrument from executing another command until the
operation caused by the previous command is finished. Since all
instruments normally perform sequential operations, executing this
command causes no change.