Matrix Modules Command Reference 63Chapter 4
The [ROUTe:] command subsystem controls switching and scanning
operations for relay matrix switch modules in a switchbox.
Subsystem Syntax [ROUTe:]
CLOSe <channel_list>
CLOSe? <channel_list>
OPEN <channel_list>
OPEN? <channel_list>
SCAN <channel_list>
NOTE There must be a space between the second level command (CLOSe, for
example) and the parameter <channel_list>.
[ROUTe:]CLOSe <channel_list> closes the relay matrix channels specified
by <channel_list>. <channel_list> has the form (@ssrrcc) where ss = matrix
module card number (01-99), rr = matrix module row number, and cc =
matrix module column number.
Closing Channels:
• To close a single channel use ROUT:CLOS (@ssrrcc)
• To close multiple channels use ROUT:CLOS (@ssrrcc,ssrrcc,...)
• To close sequential channels use ROUT:CLOS (@ssrrcc:ssrrcc)
• To close groups of sequential channels use ROUT:CLOS
• or any combination of the above
Name Type Range of Values Default Value
<channel_list> numeric E1465A: rr: 00 - 15
cc: 00 - 15
: rr: 00 - 03
cc: 00 - 63
: rr: 00 - 07
cc: 00 - 31