68 Matrix Modules Command Reference Chapter 4
The STATus subsystem reports the bit values of the OPERation Status
Register. It also allows you to unmask the bits you want reported from the
Standard Event Status Register and to read the summary bits from the
Status Byte Register.
Subsystem Syntax STATus
:ENABle <unmask>
As shown in Figure 3-1, the STATus subsystem for the E1463A Form C
Switch includes the Status Byte Register, the Standard Event Status
Register, OPERation Status Register, and Output Queue. The Standard
Event Status Register (*ESE?) and the Status Byte Register (*STB?) are
under IEEE 488.2 control.
Status Byte Register
In the Status Byte register, the Operation Status bit (OPR), Request Service
bit (RQS), Standard Event bit (ESB), Message Available bit (MAV) and
Questionable Data bit (QUE) (bits 7, 6, 5, 4 and 3 respectively) can be
queried with the *STB? command.
Standard Event Status Register
In the Standard Event Status Register, you can use *ESE? to query the
"unmask" value (the bits to be logically ORed into the Summary bit).
The registers are queried using decimal-weighted bit values. Decimal
equivalents for bits 0 through 15 are shown in Figure 3-1.
OPERation Status Register
Using STATus:OPERation:ENABle 256 allows only bit 8 to generate a
Summary bit from the OPERation Status Register, since the decimal value
for bit 8 is 256. The decimal values can also used in the inverse manner to
determine the bits set from the value returned by
STATus:OPERation:EVENt? or STATus:OPERation:CONDition?.
The Form C switch driver uses only bit 8 of OPERation Status Register.
This bit is called the Scan Complete bit and is set whenever a scan operation
completes. Since completion of a scan operation is an event in time, bit 8
will never appear set when STATus:OPERation:CONDition? is queried.
However, you can find bit 8 set by using STATus:OPERation:EVENt?.