144 L4400 User’s Guide
7 Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
Simple Switch Control
All examples in this chapter make reference to SCPI commands for switch
control. The L4445A commands are summarized in Table 7-1. For more
information, refer to the Programmer’s Reference help file included on the
Product Reference CD- ROM (p/n 34989- 13601).
The switches and attenuators are designed to respond to the SCPI
ROUTe:CLOSe and ROUTe:OPEN commands. For example, to open and close a
switch attached to channel 1 on bank 1 of the second remote module attached
to the L4445A, you could use the following commands (rem = 2, channel = 01).
ROUT:OPEN (@1201)
ROUT:CLOS (@1201)
Before you can close or open a switch, however, several other parameters must
be configured. Each distribution board has a set of factory default parameters
designed to support the type of switches intended to be present. These
defaults are described in more detail on page 152. Additionally, the drive
current source must be selected and configured.
The following commands show a simple sequence controlling channel 1 of an
Agilent N1810 switch (installed on a Y1150A distribution board) of the third
remote module attached to a L4445A (rem = 3, channel = 01). Note that ALL
34945EXT modules are reset by the first command shown.
ROUT:OPEN (@1301)
<-- other commands -->
ROUT:CLOS (@1301)
In the example above, the SYSTem:RMODule:RESet command resets the
module and disables all drive currents. The next command loads the factory
default settings for the distribution board (Y1150A) used to support the
Agilent N1810 switch. The default state of switch closed is then configured.
When the drive source is set to internal (third remote module only), the switch
assumes its default closed state. The configured switch may now be controlled
using the
ROUTe:OPEN and ROUTe:CLOSe commands.
These commands and settings are described in more detail later in this
chapter and in the Programmer’s Reference Help file.
You must turn off the channel drive before sending the
ROUTe:RMODule:BANK:PRESet command. Once configured, turn the
channel drive back on