180 L4400 User’s Guide
7 Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
Y1155A Switch Options Supported
Recommended options are shaded.
Option Name Option Number Description and Comments
Frequency Range Various All options supported
Coil Voltage 011 +5VDC
Highest coil current requirement of all coil voltage
options. May limit system speed because current
capacity limitations. 34945EXT limits total switch
current to 2A; opt 011 coils draw 400 mA. Therefore, a
maximum of 5 devices may be switched simultaneously.
015 +15VDC
024 +24VDC (required if using internal power)
DC Connector Type STD solder lugs
RF Performance various All options supported
Drive Options
STD Direct coil connections for open collector drive
T24 TTL/5V CMOS compatible inputs with +24VDC coils
(Note: position indicators do not function; wiring
pattern differs from direct drive)
T15 TTL/5V CMOS compatible inputs with +15VDC coils
(Note: position indicators do not function; wiring
pattern differs from direct drive)