
L4451A and L4452A Calibration Procedures A
L4400 User’s Guide 263
Connect channel 6 of the L4452A to the DMM as shown in Figure A-3.
Set the DMM to measure DC volts.
5 Set the first DAC calibration point using the command:
CALibration:BEGin:VOLTage 1, (@<channel>)
For channel 6, the command is executed as:
CALibration:BEGin:VOLTage 1, (@1006)
6 Measure the DAC output on the DMM. Subtract the offset voltage
measured in Step 2 from the reading. Write the result to the DAC using the
CALibration:POINt? <value>
Note the DAC output which is now calibration point 2. Subtract the offset
voltage from the new DMM reading and write the value to the DAC using:
CALibration:POINt? <value>
7 Connect channel 7 of the L4452A to the DMM as shown in Figure A-3.
Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for channel 7.