
188 L4400 User’s Guide
7 L4445A Microwave Switch/Attenuator Driver
SCPI Programming Examples
These programming examples provide you with SCPI command examples to
use for driving the microwave switch modules.
The channel addressing scheme used in these examples follow the form 1rcc
where r is the remote module number (1 through 8), and cc is the
two-digit channel number. For more information about channel numbering,
refer to “Channel Numbering” on page 143.
For complete information on SCPI commands, see the Programmer’s
Reference Help file.
Example: Configuring an Agilent N1810UL
The following example illustrate controlling an Agilent N1810UL attached to a
Y1150A distribution board. The distribution board is connected to Bank 1 of
the first remote module attached to the L4445A. This example uses the bank
preset (described on page 153).
ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:SOURce OFF,(@1100)
ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:SOURce INT,(@1101)
ROUT:CLOSe (@1101)
Example: Configuring a Paired Drive Channel
The following example illustrates the sequence of commands used to configure
a paired drive channel. In the example, the operations are directed to channel
1 on remote module 3.
The drive source must be disabled before configuring either the channel
pairing or the pulse mode. The channel is then paired and the pulse width set
to 15 ms. Power supply recovery time and settling time is then set to 12 ms and
10 ms, respectively. Verify is then enabled. The default behavior for the
switches is set to
OPEN and TTL drive using an EXTernal power supply. Finally,
the channel is closed.
ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:SOURce OFF,(@1300)
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:PAIRed ON,(@1301)
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:PULSe 0.015,(@1301)
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIME:SETTle 0.012,(@1301)
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:TIME:RECovery 0.010,(@1301)
ROUTe:CHANnel:VERify ON,(@1301)
ROUTe:CHANnel:DRIVe:OPEN:DEFault (@1301)
ROUTe:RMODule:DRIVe:SOURce EXT,(@1300)
ROUT:CLOSe (@1301)