Expansion Cards
4 ) Use the [CONTROLLER D] slider or the [VALUE] buttons to
select the bank on the card you wish to load (A1–A4, etc.).
5 ) Press [STORE] to transfer the data from the card into the QS.
Loading a Program or Mix from a Card
To load a single Mix or Program from a card into the User Bank, first
select the Mix or Program, then use the Store Function to store it in the
User Bank.
Note that when storing a Mix from a Card into the User Bank, the
individual Programs used by the Mix will not be moved into the User
If the Mix or Program you wish to transfer uses samples that reside on a
ROM card, you must have the ROM card in the slot after the transfer in
order for that portion of the Program or Mix to sound the same (or at
Transferring Mix Banks
Whenever you transfer an internal Bank to an SRAM card, all Mixes in
the transferred Bank are automatically modified so that they access the
Programs on the card Bank instead of the internal Bank. And, when a
card Bank is transferred to the User Bank, the opposite happens – all
Programs within a Mix which had previously accessed the card Bank
point to the User Bank.
When an individual Mix is transferred, it is not modified in any way. The
modification only occurs when an entire bank is transferred.
Generally, it’s a good idea to make banks self-contained. That is, all
Mixes in a bank should access only Programs that are in the same bank.
You don’t have to do this, but it makes things easier when copying banks.