Editing Programs
Agogo, Bongo, Cabasa, Castanet, Chimes 1, Chimes 2, Chimes 3, Clap Rap, Clap Tek, Clave 1,
Clave 2, Conga Hit1, Conga Hit2, CongaSlap1, CongaSlap2, Rap Conga, Rap Rim, Co
RapCowbell, Cuica, Djembe Hi, Djembe Low, Drumstix, FingerSnap, GuiroLong1,
GuiroLong2, GuiroShort, Maracas, SmbaWhstl1, SmbaWhstl2, ShortWhstl, Shaker Hi, Shaker
Low, Sleighbel1, Sleighbel2, Tabla Ga, Tabla Ka, Tabla Ka 2, Tabla Na, Tabla Te, Tabla
Te 2,
Tabla Tin, Taiko Drum, Taiko Rim, Talk Down, Talk Up, Tambourine, Timbale, Timpani,
Null/Timp, Triangle 1, Triangle 2, TrianglSf1, TrianglSf2, Udu Hi, Udu Mid, Udu Low, Udu
Slap, Vibrasmak1, Vibrasmak2, Wood Block
Rain 1, Rain 2, Bird Tweet,
Bird Loop, Telephone, Jungle 1, Jungle 2, Jungle 3, Jungle 4,
GoatsNails, ScrtchPul1, ScrtchPul2, ScrtchPsh1, ScrtchPsh2, ScratchLp1, ScratchLp2,
ScrtchPLp1, ScrtchPLp2, ScrtchPLp3, ScrtchPLp4, Orch Hit, Null/Orch, Dance Hit,
Null/Dance, Rez Zip, RezAttack
1, RezAttack2, RezAttkVel, Zap Attk 1, Zap Attk 2, Zap Attk
3, Fret Noise, Sci Loop 1, Sci Loop 2, Sci Loop 3, Bit Field1, Bit Field2, Bit Field3, Bit Field4, Bit
Field5, Bit Field6, WavLoop1.0, WavLoop1.1, WavLoop1.2, WavLoop1.3, WavLoop1.4,
avLoop1.6, WavLoop1.7, WavLoop1.8, WavLoop2.0, WavLoop2.1,
WavLoop2.2, WavLoop2.3, WavLoop2.4, WavLoop2.5, WavLoop2.6, WavLoop2.7,
WavLoop2.8, WavLoop3.0, WavLoop3.1, WavLoop3.2, WavLoop3.3, WavLoop3.4,
WavLoop3.5, WavLoop4.0, WavLoop4.1, WavLoop4.2, WavLo
op4.3, WavLoop4.4,
-Scrape, D-ScrapeLp
Psi Beat 1, Psi Beat 2, Psi Beat 3, Psi Beat 4, Psi Beat 5, Psi Beat 6, Psi Beat 7, Psi Beat 8, Psi Beat
9, Psi Beat10, Psi Beat11, Psi Beat12, Kick Loop1, Kick Loop2, Kick Loop3, Kick Loop4, Kick
Loop5, Kick Loop6, Kick Loop7, Kick Loop8, Kick Loop9, KickLoop10, KickLoop11, Snare Lp
1, Snare Lp 2, Snare Lp 3, Snare Lp 4, Snare Lp 5, Snare Lp 6, Snare Lp 7, Snare Lp 8, Snare Lp
9, SnareBeat1, SnareBeat2, SnareBeat3, SnareBeat4, SnareBeat5, Back Bea
t1, Back Beat2, Back
Beat3, Back Beat4, Hat1 Clsd1, Hat1 Clsd2, Hat1 Foot, Hat1 Open1, Hat1 Open2, Hat2 Clsd1,
Hat2 Clsd2, Hat2 Foot, Hat2 Open1, Hat2 Open2, Hat3 Clsd1, Hat3 Clsd2, Hat3 Open1, Hat3
Open2, Hat Beat 1, Hat Beat 2, Hat Beat 3, Hat Beat 4, Ha
t Beat 5, Hat Beat 6, Hat Beat 7, Hat
Beat 8, Hat Beat 9, Hat Beat10, Agogo Loop, Bongo Loop, CabasaLoop, CastanetLp,
CongaLoop1, Shaker Lp1, Shaker Lp2, SleighLoop, Tabla Ga Lp, Tabla Ka Lp, Tabla Na Lp,
Tabla Te Lp, TablaTin Lp, Taiko Loop, PercBeat1, Pe
rcBeat2, PercBeat3, PercBeat4,
VoiceLoop1, VoiceLoop2, PhonicLoop, SpinalLoop, Tr Loop 1, Tri Loop 2, Orch Loop
The Level Function [50 LEVEL]
The Level function (button [50]) allows you to control the volume, pan
position, output assignment and effects send level for each Sound.
Setting the Sound Volume
Button: [EDIT] [50 LEVEL]
Page: 1
Parameter: Snd Volume (00 to 99)
This sets the volume for the current Sound.
Adjusting the Panning
Button: [EDIT] [50 LEVEL]
Page: 2
Parameter: Snd Panning (<3 to 3>)
This sets the panning over the stereo field, from far left (<3) to far right
Routing Sounds to the Outputs
Button: [EDIT] [50 LEVEL]
Page: 3
Parameter: Snd Output (see below)
In the QS6.2, selecting ON routes the Sound to the main outputs; OFF
shuts off the path.
NOTE: If the Volume setting is “maxed
out” and you still can't hear anything, make
sure the Filter Frequency setting (described
this chapter) is greater than zero.