Editing Programs
This sets the amount of time the envelope will take to get from its
current level to zero after the note is released. The higher the value, the
longer it will take.
When set to HOLD, the Pitch Envelope will remain where it is after the
note is released.
Setting the Envelope Delay Time
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Parameter: Delay (00 to 99, HOLD)
This is the amount of time the envelope will wait before doing anything.
When the delay is set to zero, the envelope begins its attack right away.
When set to HOLD, the Delay stage of the envelope will wait until the
key is released before running through the remaining envelope stages. In
addition, the Envelope’s Trigger behavior will be automatically set to
FREERUN (see below). The displayed value of that parameter is not
changed; only its behavior is.
Setting the Envelope Sustain Decay Time
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Parameter: Sus Decay (00 to 99)
This sets the amount of time the envelope will take during the sustain
stage to go down to zero. If this is set to 99, the envelope will remain at
the Sustain level until the note is released. When set to 00, the envelope’s
level will immediately jump to 0 upon reaching the sustain stage.
Setting the Envelope Trigger Type
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This determines how the envelope will start and stop based on how the
keys are held and released.
When set to NORMAL, the envelope will play from the attack stage
through to the sustain stage as long as the note is held. When the note is
released, the envelope will jump to its release stage.
When set to FREERUN, the envelope will complete its entire cycle,
even if the note is released before the envelope has completed its cycle.
When set to RESET, the envelope will start at the beginning whenever a
new note is played.
When set to RESET-FREERUN, the envelope will start at the
beginning whenever a new note is played and it will complete its entire
cycle, even if the note is released in the middle.
when a voice is stolen by a new note, the
envelope will not start from the beginning,
but will continue from its current level.
TIP: If you don’t want the envelope to re-
trigger when playing legato, set the
Keyboard Mode to MONO and the envelope
trigger mode to NORMAL.
TIP: To get the most natural-sounding
Sustain Pedal reaction, the best setting for
the Filter Envelope Trigger Mode is usually
either the FREERUN or the RESET-
FREERUN mode. This allows the Filter to
keep following its envelope shape even after
the keys are lifted up.