Editing Drum Kits
Choosing the Base Note for the Drum Sound
Button: [EDIT] [80 AMP/RANGE]
Page: 2
Parameter: Note (C2 000 to G8 127)
This sets which note will trigger the Drum sound when played. You can
also set the note assignment by holding [80] and tapping a key on the
keyboard (while in this page).
Setting the Note Range for the Drum Sound
Button: [EDIT] [80 AMP/RANGE]
Page: 3
Parameter: Note Range (0 to +3)
This sets the range of notes above the root note that will trigger the
Drum sound. A setting of +3 assigns the Drum to a total of 4
consecutive keys.
The Amp/Env Function [AMP ENV 110]
The Amp/Env Function (button [110]) is where you can set the drum’s
decay time and assign it to a mute group, if desired.
Setting the Drum’s Decay Time
Button: [EDIT] [110 AMP ENV]
Page: 1
Parameter: Decay (0 to 99, Gat00 to Gat99)
This lets you adjust the amplitude envelope Decay time of the selected
Drum. If this is set to 0, only the very beginning of the drum sample will
be played. Setting this to 99 will cause the entire drum sample to play.
Settings of Gat00 to Gat99 (“gate”) will cause the Drum sound to
continue to be played as long as the key is held or the end of the sample
is reached. The number after the word "Gat" means that after you let up
the key, the drum will decay at that rate.
Assigning the Drum to a Mute Group
Button: [EDIT] [110 AMP ENV]
Page: 2
Parameter: Mute Group (OFF, 1, 2, or 3)
Mute Groups force multiple Drums to share a single voice. This is most
often used with Hi Hats.
For example, if you have assigned a Closed Hat and an Open Hat to two
different notes, playing either note should cut off the other. This creates
a more realistic sound, since an actual hi hat is only capable of making
one kind of sound at a time.
There are three Mute Groups. In the example above, both hi hat drums
would be assigned to Mute Group 1.
NOTE: Only one Drum can be assigned to a
single note within a single Program Sound.
NOTE: If more than one Drum in a Sound is
assigned to the same note, only the higher-
numbered Drum will sound.
TIP: If you want to layer two Drum mode
Drums on top of each other, you will have to
use two separate Sound layers
TIP: This is useful for longer sounds, like
cymbals, when you wish to hear a short
crash by playing a short note but can still
hear a longer crash by keeping the note he