Press More > to access the additional Configure RF
menu for more selections.
Additional Configure RF Menu
When you press More > , the Additional Configure
RF menu (below) is displayed.
Frequency Scaling
Lets you set a reference multiplier value and apply
it to all frequency parameters. The reference multi-
plier can be any value between 0.1 and 18.
Changing the multiplier value changes the entered
and displayed frequencies, but does not affect the
output of the signal generator. For example:
Frequency scaling set to 4
CW frequency set to 20 GHz
MG369XB output is 5 GHz (20 GHz ΒΈ 4)
Press Frequency Scaling [FRS] to open the refer
ence multiplier parameter, then edit the current
value using the cursor control keys, rotary data
knob, or enter a new value using the data entry key
pad and the terminator soft-key. To close the open
multiplier parameter, press Frequency Scaling or
make another menu selection.
Press Terminate RF Off [TR1] to select 40 dB (mini
mum) of attenuation when RF is switched off in
units with a step attenuator (Option 2) installed.
This provides a better output source match. The dis
play will reflect Yes to indicate the 40 dB of attenua
tion is applied. Press Terminate RF Off [TR0] again
to select 0 dB of attenuation when RF is switched
off. The display will reflect No to indicate 0 dB of at
tenuation is applied.
Press < Previous to return to the main Configure
RF menu display.
3-80 MG369XB OM
System Configuration Local (Front Panel) Operation
Resetting the MG369XB sets the
frequency scaling reference multi
plier value to 1.
The Terminate RF Off selection is
only available in units with
Option 2 (Step Attenuator).