the GPIB
The GPIB configuration menus let you perform the
Set the GPIB address and select the GPIB line
terminator for the signal generator
Select the model and set the GPIB address for
the power meter that is used to create a user
level flatness correction power-offset table
Select scalar mode of operation with a Wiltron
Model 562 or Anritsu Model 56100A Scalar
Network Analyzer
Select scalar mode of operation with a
Giga-tronics Model 8003, a Hewlett Packard
Model 8757D or a Hewlett Packard Model
8757E Scalar Network Analyzer (Only avail
able in units with the Pulse Modulation option
To access the Configure GPIB menu from the Sys-
tem Configuration menu, press GPIB > . The Con-
figure GPIB menu (below) is displayed.
Press GPIB Address [ADD] to change the address of
the MG369XB on the bus (the CW default GPIB ad
dress is five). Enter a new address, between one and
30, using the cursor control keys or the data entry
keypad and the terminator key. The new GPIB ad
dress will appear on the display.
Press GPIB Terminator to select a carriage return
(CR) or a carriage return and line feed (CR/LF)as
the GPIB data delimiter. Consult the GPIB control
ler's manual to determine which data delimiter is
Press More > to access the First Additional Config
ure GPIB menu for more selections.
MG369XB OM 3-81
Local (Front Panel) Operation System Configuration