
1-6 MG369XB OM
Options General Information
Option 12:
External Frequency and Phase Modulation—Adds external FM/FM capabilities via a rear panel BNC con
nector. Requires an external modulating signal input or an internal low frequency generator (Option 23).
Option 13X*:
External Pulse Modulation—Adds external pulse modulation capability via a rear panel BNC connector.
Requires an external modulating signal input.
Option 14:
Amplitude Modulation—Adds external AM capability via a rear panel BNC connector. Requires an external
modulating signal input or an internal low frequency generator (Option 23).
Option 15X:
High Power Output—Adds high-power RF components to the instrument providing increased RF output
Option 16:
High-Stability Time Base—Adds an ovenized 10 MHz crystal oscillator with frequency stability of <5 x
Option 17:
Delete Front Panel—Deletes the front panel for use in remote control applications where a front panel dis
play or keyboard control are not needed.
Option 18:
mmW Bias Output—Adds a rear panel BNC Twinax connector to bias the 5400-xWRxx millimeter wave
source modules.
Option 20:
Scan Modulation—Adds an internal Scan modulator for simulating high-depth amplitude modulated signals.
Requires an external modulating signal input capability. (Not available on models MG3693B, MG3694B,
MG3695B, MG3696B, or with Options 2E, 7, 15X, or 22.)
Option 22:
0.1 Hz to 10.0 MHz Audio Frequency—Adds frequency coverage below 10 MHz. The frequency resolution
below 10 MHz is 0.02 Hz. Rated RF output power is reduced.
Option 23*:
Low Frequency Generator—Provides modulation waveforms for internal AM, FM, or FM. Not available
without Option 12 or 14.
Option 24*:
Internal Pulse Generator—Provides pulse waveforms for internal pulse modulation. Not available without
Option 13.
Option 25X*:
Analog Modulation Suite—The analog modulation suite bundles Options 12, 13, 14, 23 and 24, offering in
ternal and external AM, FM, FM, and pulse modulation.
Option 26X*:
Pulse Modulation—Adds external pulse modulation via a rear panel BNC connector. For internal
modulation capability, requires additionally Pulse Generator, Option 27. (This option comes in different
versions based on instrument configuration.)
Option 27*:
LF Generator—Provides modulation waveforms for internal AM, FM, FM, and Pulse. (Not available without
Option 12, 14, or 26.)
Option 28X*:
Analog Modulation Suite—For ease of ordering and package pricing, this option bundles Options 12, 14,
26 and 27, offering internal and external AM, FM, FM, and Pulse Modulation. (This option comes in different
versions , based on instrument configuration.)
Option 30:
Low Phase Noise
* May not be availlable for all instruments or may require additional upgrades. Contact Anritsu customer service for details.
Table 1-1. Series MG369XB Model and Option List (2 of 2)