Entering a
New Value
To change the current value of a parameter by en
tering a new value for the parameter, use the data
entry keypad and termination keys.
As soon as you press one of the keys on the data en
try keypad, the current parameter display clears for
entry of a new value. Enter the new value for the
parameter, then press the appropriate terminator
soft-key to store it in memory. If the entered value is
outside the allowable range of the open parameter,
the entry is not accepted and the previous value for
the parameter is displayed.
If you make an error during data entry, either (1)
press Back Space to delete the entry one character
at a time starting from the last character entered, or
(2) delete the entire entry by pressing Clear Entry .
Then, re-enter the correct value.
Now, try entering a new value for the CW frequency
displayed on your MG369XB using the data entry
keypad and termination soft-keys.
To close the open parameter when you are finished
entering data, press Edit F1 or make another menu
MG369XB OM 3-19
Local (Front Panel) Operation Entering Data
C le a r
E n try
B a ck
S p a ce
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
+ /-
K e y p a d
C le a r
E n tr y
K e y
B a c k
S p a c e
K e y
A frequency entry may be termi
nated in GHz, MHz, kHz, or Hz;
however, it is always displayed on
the data display in GHz. A time en
try may be terminated in Sec, ms,
ms, or ns; however, it is always dis
played on the data display in Sec.