Problem Cause Remedy
Unsteady Image
Vertical Heavy emulsion build-up in the lm gate area, Clean lm gate area, use different lm stock
damaged lm perforation,
very poor gliding ability
of the raw lm stock,
lm stock with positive perforation,
dimensions of raw stock out of tolerance
Horizontal Heavy emulsion build-up in the lm gate area, Clean lm gate area,
lm edge is not straight use different lm stock
Pressure exposures around perforation holes Mechanical stress on the perforation holes Pressure exposures do not affect
the image steadiness
Image Problems
Blurred image Flange focal distance is set incorrectly, When cleaning the lm gate
lens is set incorrectly, ensure that the surfaces are absolutely clean,
poor quality or defective lens, check the lens and the ange focal distance
magazine pressure plate set incorrectly Take magazine to ARRI Service Centre
(image problem conned to one magazine)