To access the Configuration Menu when you are logged in as root or readwrite, type c from the Main
Menu. The Configuration Menu appears, as shown below (from a telnet session):
IntraCore 35160-T Configuration Menu Power Unit Status = OK
<Cmd> <Description>
a Administration Configuration
i IP Configuration
p Port Configuration
d Forwarding Database Configuration
t Security Management
v VLAN Management
r Protocol Configuration
g Trunk Group Configuration
o QoS Management
u User Interface Configuration
s System Utilities
q Return to previous menu
Accessing a Submenu
To access a submenu, type the command letter that corresponds with the configuration option needed. For
example, type a to access the Administration Configuration Menu.
Most of the configuration options are described in detail in the rest of this chapter. The more advanced
configuration options are discussed in Chapter 4 Advanced Management.
3.3 Administration Configuration
The System Administration Configuration Menu displays, and allows the user to change the name of the
switch, its location, and the contact information.
IntraCore 35160-T System Admin. Configuration Menu
Description: Asante Technologies, Inc. IntraCore 35160-T Version: FW(2.0)
Object ID:
Name: <none>
Location: <none>
Contact: <none>
<Cmd> <Description>
n Set System Name
l Set System Location
c Set System Contact Information
q Return to previous menu
Changing System Administration Info
To change the name, location, or contact information for the switch, use the following procedure:
1. Open the Administration Configuration Menu by typing a in the Configuration Menu.
2. Type the command letter (n, l, or c) of the item to be changed in the System Administration
Configuration Menu.
3. At the prompt, type the new information.
Note: Each parameter is limited to 64 characters, including spaces.
To cancel a selected option, press ctrl-c at the command prompt.