Loading Software Remotely
To set the switch to download its software over the network from a remote server, use the following
1. Open the Local Bootstrap Configuration Menu by typing b in System Utility Menu.
2. Open the Remote Bootstrap Configuration Menu by typing r in the Local Bootstrap Configuration
Menu. The menu appears, as shown below.
IntraCore 35160-T Bootstrap Configuration Menu
Bank 1 Image Version/Date: 1.20B/Jun 17 2003 20:41:25 (Running)
Bank 2 Image Version/Date: 1.10 /May 20 2003 18:01:54
Load Mode: Remote
Boot Server IP: N/A
Boot File Name: N/A
Retry Count: 5
Boot Bank: 1
<Cmd> <Description>
b Set Boot Mode to BOOTP-TFTP
t Set Boot Mode to TFTP only
l Set Load Mode to LOCAL
s Set Boot Server IP Address
f Set Boot File Name
c Set Remote Boot Retry Count
a Toggle Boot Bank
o Commence Bootstrap Sequence
q Return to previous menu
3. Type b to set the Boot Mode to BootP-TFTP, or type t to set Boot Mode to TFTP only. If you
choose BootP-TFTP mode, the options for setting the IP Address of the TFTP server and the Boot
File Name become unavailable; in this case, skip Steps 4–7 and go on to Step 8.
4. Type s in the Bootstrap Configuration Menu to select the option Set Boot Server IP Address.
5. At the prompt, type the IP address of the remote boot server that contains the switch’s software
image file. Then press Enter. The Bootstrap Configuration Menu appears.
6. Type f to select the option Set Boot File Name.
7. Type the software’s file name/network path at the prompt.
8. Press Enter.
Note: If you decide to use Local Load Mode rather than Remote, type I, and the Local Bootstrap
Configuration Menu appears.
The switch is now set to download its software remotely from the network. This will occur the next time the
unit is powered on or reset.