3.13 User Interface Configuration
To access the User Interface Configuration Menu, enter the letter u from the Configuration Menu. Use the
listed command letters to configure user interfaces (SSH, Telnet, and HTTP server), UI timeout, passwords,
add/delete access hosts, and access control.
IntraCore 35160-T User Interface Configuration Menu
Console UI Idle Time Out: Console UI idle time-out feature is disabled
SSH/Telnet UI Idle Time Out: 5 Min. HTTP Server Status: DISABLED
Telnet Server Status: ENABLED SSH Server Status: ENABLED
Session Status Source IP Access Hosts:
1 Telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1. <empty>
2 Inactive <none> 2. <empty>
3 Inactive <none> 3. <empty>
4 Inactive <none> 4. <empty>
<Cmd> <Description>
c Set Console UI Time Out
t Set SSH/Telnet UI Time Out
p Change Password
a Add Access host
d Delete Access host
s Toggle SSH Enable/Disable
n Toggle Telnet Enable/Disable
h Toggle to Enable/Disable HTTP Server
x Access Control
q Return to previous menu
3.13.1 Setting Console UI Time-out Period
Use the following procedure to set the console user interface idle time-out:
1. Type c in the User Interface Configuration Menu. A prompt for the number of minutes is displayed.
2. Enter the desired idle time-out in minutes.
Note: The default time-out is 5 minutes. Range for time-out is 0–60 minutes (0 indicates no time-
out, or the time-out feature is disabled). To exit without making any changes, press ctrl-c.
3. Press Enter.
The new Console UI Time Out is reflected in the User Interface Configuration Menu.
3.13.2 Setting SSH/Telnet UI Time-out
Use the following procedure to change the SSH/Telnet Time-out.
1. Type t in the User Interface Configuration Menu.
A prompt for the number of minutes is displayed.
2. Enter the desired idle time-out in minutes.
Note: The default time-out is 5 minutes. Range for time-out is 0–60.
To exit without changes, press ctrl-c.
3. Press Enter.