4.3.6 Displaying a VLAN Port Summary
To view a unit port VLAN summary, type v in the Configuration Menu to access the VLAN Management
Menu, then type a to access the Port VLAN Attribute Summary. A screen similar to the one following will
appear. To view the summary for other units, type a command as shown at the bottom of the screen.
IntraCore 35160-T Port VLAN Info
Port | PVID | Vlan Membership |Accept Frames|Ingress Filtering| Port Type |
1 | 0001 | 0001u | All Frames | Disabled | Normal |
2 | 0001 | 0001u | All Frames | Disabled | Normal |
3 | 0001 | 0001u | All Frames | Disabled | Normal |
4 | 0001 | 0001u 0002u 0003u | All Frames | Disabled | Normal |
| | 0004u 0005u 0006u | | | |
| | 0007u 0008u 0009u | | | |
| | 0010u 0011u 0012u | | | |
| | 0013u 0014u 0015u | | | |
| | 0016u 0017u 0018u | | | |
| | 0019u 0020u 0021u | | | |
| | 0022u 0023u 0024u | | | |
| | 0025u 0026u 0027u | | | |
| | 0028u 0029u 0030u | | | |
| | 0031u 0032u 0033u | | | |
| | 0034u 0035u 0036u | | | |
| | 0037u 0038u 0039u | | | |
Q)uit N)ext Page Vlan G)rp Summ Vlan Port M)enu H)elp
4.3.7 Resetting VLAN Configuration to Defaults
To reset the security measures on the switch to the factory defaults, access the VLAN Management Menu
by typing v in the Configuration Menu. Then type r to reset all of the VLAN configurations that were
changed back to the factory-set defaults.
4.4 IP Multicast Traffic Management
Multicast traffic is a means to transmit a multimedia stream from the Internet (a video conference, for
example) without requiring a TCP connection from every remote host that wants to receive the stream. The
stream is sent to the multicast address, and from there it’s propagated to all interested parties on the
Traditional IP communication allows a host to send packets to a single host (unicast transmission) or to all
hosts (broadcast transmission). IP multicast provides a third scheme, allowing a host to send packets to a
subset of all hosts (group transmission).
Multicast Addresses
Multicasts are sent to special IP addresses in the range from through These are also
called “Class D” addresses. The IP multicast address always begins with the four bits 1110 (which identifies
the address as a multicast). The remaining 28 bits of the multicast address specify the individual multicast
When an end station wants to join in an IP multicast group, it binds the multicast address of that group to its
network interface. When a node is using an IP multicast address, it also uses an Ethernet multicast address.
Ethernet IP multicast addresses begin 01:00:5e. The remaining 24 bits are the lowest 24 bits of the IP
multicast address. A 1-to-1 mapping of IP multicast addresses to Ethernet multicast addresses does not
exist. When configuring a VLAN for multicast traffic, specify the Ethernet address for the multicast group
(see “Multicast Forwarding Database Configuration” in this chapter).