Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 120
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
3. Using the Voicemail Pro Client
3.1 Logging in to the Voicemail Pro Server
If you start the Voicemail Pro client on the same computer as the voicemail server, it will assume that you wish to
manager the server and will automatically load its settings. You will have full access to all the servers settings, you do not
need to login with an administrator account name and password. You can change to offline mode if required or
select to login to a remote server using the process below.
To connect to a remote voicemail server you will need to login using the name and password of an administrator account
already configured on that server. By default, no administrator accounts are configured on voicemail servers.
Therefore initial configuration must be done locally.
To start the Voicemail Pro Client:
From the Start menu, select Programs | IP Office | Voicemail Pro Client.
The Voicemail Pro Client window opens.
· If the Voicemail Pro client is running on the same computer as the voicemail server then you do not need a
user name and password to log in. It will be assumed that you are using an administrator account with full
access to all settings. The current settings and configuration of the Voicemail Pro server are automatically
loaded into the Voicemail Pro client.
· If you are using the Voicemail Pro client on a computer other than a voicemail server, the client will start in
offline mode. To login to a remote voicemail server you will need to login using an administrator account
already configured on the server. The account used controls what settings you will be able to see and edit.
· From the File menu, select Login.
· Enter the User Name and User Password for the account.
· In the Unit Name/IP Address field, type the name or the IP address of the server you want to connect
to. By default the IP address or name that was last used is already filled in. If the server is on the same
network you can click Browse to select from a list of available Voicemail Pro servers.
· Click OK.
3.2 Continue Offline Message Window
Only one Voicemail Pro client can be connected to a voicemail server at any time. To avoid access to the server being
blocked by a session of Voicemail Pro client that has been left connected, a Client/Server Connection Timeout (mins)
setting is used to disconnect idle client session. By default the timeout is set to 5 minutes.
If your Voicemail Pro client session has timed out, the Voicemail Pro client will prompt you whether it should attempt to re-
establish the session or close. You are then able to continue working in offline mode or to close the client.
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