Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 166
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
3.20.5 Compare
The Compare element is used to add a variable that will be used to determine the call flow to be presented to the
caller. You can compare Voicemail Pro call variables , for example $POS or $ETA, against each other or against a value
you enter.
To add a condition element:
Click the Element List icon in the toolbar.
Click Compare.
Click on the condition to which the element should be added.
Double-click on the element to view its settings.
· Value A
Enter a value or use the drop down to select a call variable .
· Is
Select the criteria which should be used to determine whether the element is currently 'true' or 'false'. Options
· Equal to
True if value A equals values B (A = B).
· Not equal to
True if value A does not equal value B (A =! B).
· Less than
True if value A is less than value B (A < B).
· Greater than
True if value A is greater than value B (A > B).
· Less than or equal to
True if value A is less or equal to value B (A <= B).
· Greater than or equal to
True if value A is greater than or equal to value B (A >= B).
· Value B
Enter a value or use the drop down to select a call variable .
Click OK.
3.21 About
For Voicemail Pro 4.2+, the about screen displays information about the IP Office to which the Voicemail Pro server is
connected and the licenses it has received from that IP Office.