Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 295
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
Administration: Recording Calls
5.5 Announcements
Announcements can be played when:
· Callers are waiting to be answered or queued against a hunt group
With Voicemail Pro, the announcements and actions provided to a caller held in a group's queue can be customized
using the Queued and Still Queued start points for that group. The call can be answered at any stage of the
announcement. See Configuring Announcements .
· Calls are going to be recorded
In many locations, it is a local or national requirement to warn those involved in a call that they are being
recorded. See Call Recording Warning .
· Calls are received
A call flow containing an announcement can be created so that all callers hear a mandatory announcement. The
announcement is played before the call is answered. See Mandatory Announcement Example .
· Calls are queuing against an user's extension
User's can configure their personal announcements. When the user's extension is busy any new calls are held in a
queue against the busy extension until the No Answer Time is reached. The caller will hear the user's personal
announcement before being transferred to voicemail, if available. See Personal Announcements .
5.5.1 Mandatory Announcement Example
The screen below shows an example of a call flow that plays an announcement to any caller to the sales hunt group.
Callers entering at this start point can not bypass the announcement.
The Entry Prompt of the transfer action contains the announcement. After the announcement is played the caller is
transferred to the sales hunt group as specified in the Specific tab. See Transfer Action .
Once the call flow has been created, IP Office needs to be configured so that callers are transferred to the call flow.
In IP Office Manager the destination for the incoming call route is entered as VM:Sales. The incoming call route targets
the voicemail module 'Sales'. As the call flow module name is the same as the hunt group name, if voicemail is unavailable
the call will automatically be routed to the hunt group. The calls will not be lost but the callers will not have heard the
If calls are required to only be answered after they have heard the announcement, make sure that the call flow module
name is different from the hunt group name. If voicemail is unavailable the call will not be transferred to the target hunt