Voicemail Pro Installation and Maintenance Page 324
15-601063 Issue 22e (16 May 2010)IP Office Release 6
5.12.4 Personal Distribution Lists
Intuity mode mailbox users can user personal distribution lists as the destination for voicemail messages they are sending
or forwarding to other mailbox user. This saves them having to enter the individual mailbox numbers each time. Users can
configure their distribution lists through the mailbox's telephone user menus or using IP Office Phone Manager. Voicemail
Pro 6.0+ allows you to view and edit each user's distribution lists.
Each user mailbox can have up to 20 distribution lists. Each list can contain up to 360 mailboxes and can be set as either
public or private. Private lists can be used only by the mailbox user. Public lists can be used by other mailbox users when
they forward a message. However, public lists can not be modified by other users.
Click on Users in the navigation pane. A list of all the user mailboxes on the server is displayed in the details pane.
Locate the users mailbox and right-click on it. Select the option Mailbox Administration.
Select the Personal Distribution Lists tab.
To show the mailboxes in an existing list click on the list. The existing members are shown in the bottom panel.