Chapter 6: Channel Strip Controls 31
Chapter 6: Channel Strip Controls
Channel Strips
The D-Command Main Unit has 8 channel strips, and the
D-Command Fader Module has 16 channel strips. Each chan-
nel strip (Figure 1) has identical controls, including two
touch-sensitive rotary encoders, display and mode controls,
and a touch-sensitive fader.
Rotary Encoder Section
Each channel strip has two touch-sensitive rotary encoders
with LED ring, alphanumeric display, mode switches, and sta-
tus indicators. Rotary encoders control channel input, send,
pan, and mic pre parameters.
Encoder Knob
The encoder knobs on D-Command channel strips are
touch-sensitive. When you touch the encoder, the encoder
display switches from the parameter name to the parameter
value. Touch display of parameter values can be turned off.
When you are automating a parameter controlled by an en-
coder, touching the encoder knob starts writing automation.
When assigning a channel input or output, or an insert or
send, the encoder knob is used to scroll through available in-
puts, outputs, inserts, or sends.
Inputs, Outputs, Inserts and Sends
When assigning a channel input or output, or an insert or
send, the encoder knob is used to scroll through available in-
puts, outputs, inserts, or sends. When adjusting the phantom
power on a remote-controlled mic preamplifier (such as the
Digidesign PRE), the encoder knob can be used to toggle phan-
tom power on and off.
Instrument Tracks
On Instrument tracks, the bottom encoder knob is used to
control MIDI Volume.
VCA Master Tracks
On VCA Master tracks, the encoder knobs are used to control
the Volume of slave tracks.
Figure 1. D-Command Channel Strip
Channel Strip
Channel Strip
Channel Fader
Mode controls
Function controls
Automation Mode
Channel Status
Rotary Encoders
Channel Strip Rotary Encoder
LED ring
Encoder knob
Encoder display
Mute/Pre indicators
Automation Mode
Clip/Flip indicators
Select switch