
Chapter 9: Management Sections 77
Edit Controls
Edit Function 1 Switch (Basic Edit Commands)
The Edit Function 1 switch displays the following commands:
Page 1
•Cut: Edit > Cut
Copy: Edit > Copy
Paste: Edit > Paste
Clear: Edit > Clear
TCE To TLSel: Edit > TCE Edit to Timeline Selection
Page 2
CutSP AllAut: Edit > Cut Special > All Automation
CopySP AllAut: Edit > Copy Special > All Automation
CutSP PanAut: Edit > Cut Special > Pan Automation
CopySP PanAut: Edit > Copy Special > Pan Automation
CutSP PI Aut: Edit > Cut Special > Plug-in Automation
CopySP PI Aut: Edit > Copy Special > Plug-in Automation
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PsteSP Merge: Edit > Paste Special > Merge
ClrSP AllAut: Edit > Clear Special > All Automation
PsteSP RepFil: Edit > Paste Special > Repeat to Fill Selec-
ClrSP PanAut: Edit > Clear Special > Pan Automation
PsteSP ToCurr: Edit > Paste Special > To Current Automa-
tion Type
ClrSP PI Aut: Edit > Clear Special > Plug-in Automation
Edit Function 2 Switch
The Edit Function 2 switch displays the following commands:
Page 1
Trim to Sel: Edit > Trim > To Selection
Cpture Region: Edit > Capture Region
Seprte: Edit > Separate Region
Heal Seprtn: Edit > Heal Separation
Consolidate: Edit > Consolidate Selection
Time Stamp: Audio Regions List > Time Stamp Selected
Page 2
SendTo Back: Region > Send to Back
SendTo Front: Region > Bring to Front
Group Region: Region > Group
Ungrp Region: Region > Ungroup
Ungrp All: Region > Ungroup All
Regrp Region: Region > Regroup
Edit Function 3 Switch (Manipulation Commands)
The Edit Function 3 switch displays the following commands:
Page 1
Duplicate: Edit > Duplicate
•Repeat: Edit > Repeat
Shift: Edit > Shift
Insert Silnce: Edit > Insert Silence
Lock Region: Region > Lock/Unlock
Mute Region: Region > Mute/Unmute
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Loop Region: Region > Loop Region
Unloop Region: Region > Unloop Region
ID/Rem SyncPT: Region > Identify/Remove Sync Point
Rename Rgns: Region > Rename Regions
Quantz ToGrid: Region > Quantize to Grid
RgnDrop: Region List > Timeline Drop Order >
L to R/Top to Bottom
Edit Modes Switch
The Edit Modes switch displays the Pro Tools Edit modes:
Shuffl: Shuffle Mode
•Spot: Spot Mode
Slip: Slip Mode
Grid Rel: Relative Grid Mode
Grid Abs: Absolute Grid Mode
Edit Tools Switch
The Edit Tool Tools switch displays the Pro Tools Edit Tools.
To cycle through multiple versions of the same tool, repeat-
edly press the corresponding Soft Key.
Zoom: Normal/Single Zoomer tools
Trim: Standard/Scrub/TCE Trimmer tools
Select: Selector tool
Grabbr: Time/Separation/Object Grabber tools
•Scrubber tool
Pencil: Square, Random, Free, Line, Triangle, Arc,
To select the Smart Tool, press any two buttons for the Trim-
mer, Selector or Grabber simultaneously.
Edit controls
Function 1
Function 2
Function 3