14 EVR1500 Installer/User Guide
To use a terminal or terminal emulation program:
1. After mounting the appliance, connect a terminal or PC running terminal
emulation software to the serial port on the back panel of the EVR1500
environmental monitor appliance using the supplied null modem cable.
Confi gure your terminal or terminal emulation program as follows:
Baud rate 38.4K
Bits per character 8 bits
Parity None
Stop bits 1 stop bit
Flow control None
2. On the Terminal screen, enter root as the default username and root as
the default password.
3. Verify the current IP address by entering ifconfi g. As shown in Figure 2.3,
the following default IP parameters display:
Figure 2.3: IP Parameter Summary
4. If you wish to change the IP address, enter setip on the Terminal screen.
The following setup options display, as shown in Figure 2.4:
setip DHCP
setip IP ipaddress netmask [gateway]
NOTE: Using DHCP enables you to obtain IP address and network confi guration. Gateway is
in brackets on the screen because it is optional.