42 EVR1500 Installer/User Guide
7. For a new trap, type a unique OID (Object Identifi er) in the OID fi eld. If
the trap is notifying of a high threshold, use the following OID:
- or -
If the trap is notifying a low threshold, use the following OID:
NOTE: These values conform to the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance Trap
MIB (Management Information Base) described in Appendix D. You may also visit
www.avocent.com/support for the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance trap MIB.
The OIDs for pre-confi gured traps will display in the drop-down menu
when you select the trap from the SNMP Traps list.
8. Select a value from the Value to report drop-down menu. The drop-down
menu displays all applicable enabled items.
NOTE: The value to report can be an internal sensor, analog input, digital input or calculation
that is reported in the trap to the NMS or trap collector.
9. Click the Test Selected button to test the trap. A message box displays the
status of the trap you are testing. Click OK to exit the message box.
NOTE: Clicking the Test Selected button does not save the confi guration change.
10. Click the Save button to save the confi guration items in the
Confi guration tab.
- or -
Click the Cancel button to revert all confi guration items in the
Confi guration tab to the last Save operation.
To delete an SNMP trap:
1. After launching the web GUI, click Confi guration - SNMP Traps. The
SNMP Traps window displays a list of confi gured traps.
2. Click the row containing the trap you wish to delete.
3. Click the Delete Selected button to delete the trap.
4. Click the Save button to save the change.
Configuring FTP Actions
After you have created a report and converted it to a file using the Report to
File action, you can configure FTP actions to send your file through FTP. Using
the FTP feature, you also can edit, test and delete an existing FTP action. You
can configure up to 25 FTP actions. For details on the Report to File action,
refer to Configuring Report to File Actions in this chapter.