Chapter 3: Basic Operations 45
Click the Create New button to add a new combination action. A new row
displays in the combination list.
The combination action information displays in the dialog box.
3. Click Enabled to enable the Combination action.
Figure 3.20: Combination Window
NOTE: An enabled combination action is available for use in the following operations:
Thresholds, Rules and Timed Rules.
4. Type a unique name for the combination action in the Unique name fi eld.
The name cannot contain any spaces. The only special character allowed
is the underscore (_).
5. Select actions from the drop-down menus. If the combination action is
enabled, you must select at least two actions.
NOTE: Actions 1 to 4 are lists of selectable Email, SNMP Traps, FTP, Output and Report to
File actions that have been defi ned in the system. When a combination action is executed, the
actions are executed in sequential order. You do not have to type an action in all four fi elds.
Blank actions, indicated by dashes (-), are not processed by the system.
6. After selecting actions, click the Test Selected button to execute the
combination action. A message box displays with the results of each action.
Click OK to exit the message box.
7. Click the Save button to save all items in the Confi guration tab.
- or -