Chapter 3: Basic Operations 29
NOTE: The two fi elds, Converted minimum value and Converted maximum value, enable you
to input a conversion range used to mathematically convert an input value from its input range
to the conversion range. The EVR1500 environmental monitor provides linear conversion
between these values. For example, for a temperature probe with a range of Ø to 5 VDC and
a conversion range of -40 to 85 degrees C (Celsius), 1 VDC would be equal to -40 degrees C
and 5 VDC would be equal to +85 degrees C.
9. In the Units for converted value fi eld, type the unit you wish to display
with the value (for example, degrees F or degrees C).
10. Click Save to save the changes made to the analog input(s) and all other
items in the Confi guration tab.
- or -
Click the Cancel button to revert all confi guration items in the
Confi guration tab to the last Save operation.
Configuring Digital Outputs
After installing the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance and configuring
the network, you can configure and rename two digital outputs (plug-in
modules 7 and 8) through the Configuration tab interface.
The front panel LEDs (Audio_LED, Air_Flow_LED, Humidity_LED,
Temperature_LED) also display in the Digital Outputs window and are
defaulted to green [Current Value = 1 (green) or Ø (red)]. Refer to Setting
Thresholds and Configuring Rules in Chapter 4 for instructions on configuring
the front panel LEDs.
NOTE: The Heater_Control digital output is used to eliminate excessive condensation from the
internal humidity sensor. The default value is Ø or Off. Setting the value to 1 or On for 30 to 60
seconds eliminates condensation.