You can accept cookies but never return them by setting the action to Deny and the
direction to Outgoing.
Click OK to save the changes and close the window.
9.5. Advanced Settings - Script Control
Scripts and other codes such as ActiveX controls and Java applets, which are used
to create interactive web pages, can be programmed to have harmful effects. ActiveX
elements, for example, can gain total access to your data and they can read data from
your computer, delete information, capture passwords and intercept messages while
you're online. You should only accept active content from sites you fully know and
BitDefender lets you choose to run these elements or to block their execution.
With Script Control you will be in charge of which websites you trust and which you
don't. BitDefender will ask you for permission whenever a website tries to activate a
script or other active content:
Script Alert
You can see the name of the resource.
Check Remember this answer option and click
Yes or No and a rule will be created, applied and
listed in the rules table. You will no longer be
notified when the same site tries to send you active
Every rule that has been remembered can be accessed in the Script section for further
fine-tuning. To access this section, open the Advanced Privacy Control Settings
window and click the Script tab.
Privacy Control
BitDefender Antivirus 2008