3. You can see the results summary.
If you want to scan certain directory only, do as follow:
Browse your folders, right-click a file or directory and select Send to. Then choose
BitDefender Scanner.
Or you can issue the next command as root, from a terminal. The BitDefender
Antivirus Scanner will start with the selected file or folder as default location to scan.
# bdscan /path/to/scan/
12.4. How do I update BitDefender over a proxy?
If there is a proxy server between your computer and the Internet, some configurations
were to be done in order to update the virus signatures.
To update BitDefender over a proxy just follow these steps:
1. Right -click the Desktop. The BitDefender Rescue CD contextual menu will appear.
2. Select Terminal (as root).
3. Type the command: cd /ramdisk/BitDefender-scanner/etc.
4. Type the command: mcedit bdscan.conf to edit this file by using GNU Midnight
Commander (mc).
5. Uncomment the following line: #HttpProxy = (just delete the # sign) and specify
the domain, username, password and server port of the proxy server. For example,
the respective line must look like this:
HttpProxy = myuser:mypassword@proxy.company.com:8080
6. Press F2 to save the current file, confirm saving, and then press F10 to close it.
7. Type the command: bdscan update.
12.5. How do I save my data?
Let's assume that you cannot start your Windows PC due to some unknown issues.
At the same time, you desperately need to access some important data from your
computer. This is where BitDefender Rescue CD comes in handy.
To save your data from the computer to a removable device, such as an USB memory
stick, just follow these steps:
BitDefender Rescue CD Howto
BitDefender Antivirus 2008