The password must be at least four characters long.
■ Re-type password - type in again the previously specified password.
■ First name - type in your first name.
■ Last name - type in your last name.
■ Country - select the country you reside in.
Use the provided e-mail address and password to log in to your account at
To successfully create an account you must first activate your e-mail address. Check
your e-mail address and follow the instructions in the e-mail sent to you by the
BitDefender registration service.
Click Next to continue.
I already have a BitDefender account
BitDefender will automatically detect if you have previously registered a BitDefender
account on your computer. In this case, all you have to do is to click Next.
If you already have an active account, but BitDefender does not detect it, select Sign
in to an existing BitDefender Account and provide the e-mail address and the
password of your account.
If you provide an incorrect password, you will be prompted to re-type it when you click
Next. Click Ok to enter the password again or Cancel to exit the wizard.
If you have forgotten your password, click Forgot your password? and follow the
Click Next to continue.
BitDefender Antivirus 2008 Installation
BitDefender Antivirus 2008