If there are critical issues affecting the security of your system, an exclamation mark
is displayed over the BitDefender icon. You can hover the mouse over the icon to
see the number of issues affecting the system's security.
2.2. Scan Activity Bar
The Scan activity bar is a graphic visualization of the scanning activity on your system.
Activity Bar
The green bars (the File Zone) show the number of scanned
files per second, on a scale from 0 to 50.
The Scan activity bar will notify you when real-time
protection is disabled by displaying a red cross over the
File Zone.
You can use the Scan activity bar to scan objects. Just drag
the objects that you want to be scanned and drop them over it. For more information,
please refer to “Drag&Drop Scanning” (p. 65).
When you no longer want to see the graphic visualization, just right-click it and select
2.3. BitDefender Manual Scan
If you want to quickly scan a certain folder, you can use the BitDefender Manual Scan.
To access the BitDefender Manual Scan, use the Windows Start menu, by following
the path Start → Programs → BitDefender 2008 → BitDefender Manual Scan The
following window will appear:
Getting Started
BitDefender Antivirus 2008