V - 42
WSW31 (Function setting 9)
Function Setting and Specifications
1 Not used.
Default reduction rate for failure of
automatic reduction during
0: 100% 1: 75% (Letter)
87% (A4)
95% (Legal)
Not used.
Minimum short-OFF duration in
distinctive ringing
0: 130 ms 1: 90 ms
Not used.
l Selector 2: Default reduction rate for failure of automatic reduction during recording
This selector sets the default reduction rate to be applied if the automatic reduction function fails
to record one-page data sent from the calling station in a single page of the current recording
If it is set to "0," the equipment records one-page data at full size (100%) without reduction; if it is
set to "1," the equipment records it at the size* specified according to the current paper size.
(*The U.S.A. or Canadian versions allow the user to select the desired paper size from the control panel.
According to the paper size setting, the equipment determines the reduction rate. Other versions can handle
only A4-size paper, so the reduction rate is always 87%.)
l Selector 5: Minimum short-OFF duration in distinctive ringing
The ringer pattern consists of short and long rings, e.g., short-short-long rings. This selector sets
the minimum OFF duration following a short ring in order to avoid missing ringer tones in
distinctive ringing.
If this selector is set to "1," when the short-OFF duration is a minimum of 90 ms long, then the
equipment will interpret the short-OFF as OFF.