V - 5
3.2 Printout of Scanning Compensation Data
nn Function
The equipment prints out the white and black level data for scanning compensation.
nn Operating Procedure
Do not start this function merely after powering on the equipment but start it after carrying out a
sequence of scanning operation. Unless the equipment has carried out any scanning operation,
this function cannot print out correct scanning compensation data. This is because at the start of
scanning operation, the equipment initializes white and black level data and takes in the scanning
compensation reference data.
(1) Press the 0 and 5 keys in this order in the initial stage of the maintenance mode.
The "WHITE LEVEL 1" will appear on the LCD.
(2) The equipment prints out the scanning compensation data list containing the following:
a) 2-value quantization white level data (2496 bytes)
b) 2-value quantization black level data (1 byte)
c) LED light intensity value, 2-value quantization LED light intensity value, and photo mode
LED light intensity value (3 bytes)
d) 2-value quantization A/D-high and photo-mode A/D-high values (2 bytes)
e) A/D-low value (1 byte)
f) Compensation data for background color (1 byte)
(3) Upon completion of recording of the compensation data list, the equipment returns to the
initial stage of the maintenance mode.
NOTE: When the equipment prints monochrome images after monochrome scanning, only the
green data is valid.
NOTE: If any data is abnormal, its code will be printed in inline style, as shown on the next page.