
VI - 12
(12) Transmission in V. 34 mode
Code 1 Code 2 Causes
C0 01 No common modulation mode or failed to poll.
C0 02 Unable to detect JM.
C0 03 Unable to detect CM.
C0 04 Unable to detect CJ.
C0 10 Cannot finish V. 34 negotiation or training.
C0 11 Modem error detected during V. 34 negotiation or training. (For
modem error details, refer to the table below.)
C0 20 Modem error detected during sending of commands. (For modem
error details, refer to the table below.)
C0 21 Modem error detected during receiving of commands. (For
modem error details, refer to the table below.)
C0 22 Control channel connection time-out.
C0 30 Modem error detected during sending of video signals. (For
modem error details, refer to the table below.)
C0 31 Modem error detected during receiving of video signals. (For
modem error details, refer to the table below.)
Modem error details (Code 3)
Code 3 Causes
21 Timeout waiting for INFO0.
22 Checksum error in INFO0.
23 Timeout waiting for tone A or B.
24 Timeout waiting for first phase reverse.
25 Timeout waiting for probing cut-off tone.
26 Timeout waiting for second phase reverse.
27 Timeout waiting for end of probing.
28 Timeout waiting for third phase reverse.
29 Timeout waiting for INFO1.
2A Checksum error in INFO1.