
V - 50
WSW40 (Function setting 18)
Function Setting and Specifications
Not used.
Masking of Symbol Rate(s)
Not masking Masking
No. 3 0 1 3429 symbols/sec
No. 4 0 1 3200 symbols/sec
No. 5 0 1 3000 symbols/sec
No. 6 0 1 2800 symbols/sec
No. 7 - - Not used.
No. 8 0 1 2400 symbols/sec
NOTE: WSW40 takes effect only in the V. 34 mode.
l Selectors 3 and 8: Masking of Symbol Rate(s)
These selectors allow you to limit the transmission speed range in the V. 34 mode by masking the
desired symbol rate(s). Transmission speeds assigned to the symbol rates are listed below. The
setting made by these selectors will limit the setting made by selectors 1 through 4 of WSW39.
If selector 3 is set to "1" to mask the 3429 symbols/second when the first transmission speed
choice is 33600 bps (specified by selectors 1 through 4 of WSW39), for example, the allowable
maximum transmission speed will be limited to 31200 bps. If selector 8 is set to "1" to mask the
2400 symbols/second when the first transmission speed choice is 33600 bps, then the allowable
maximum transmission speed remains 33600 bps.
If selector 8 is set to "1" to mask the 2400 symbols/second when the first transmission speed
choice is 21600 bps (specified by selectors 1 through 4 of WSW39), the allowable maximum
transmission speed remains 21600 bps but the minimum transmission speed will be limited to
4800 bps.
Symbol rate Transmission speed
Symbol rate Transmission speed
Symbol rate Transmission speed
2400 2400 3000 4800 3429 4800
4800 7200 7200
7200 9600 9600
9600 12000 12000
12000 14400 14400
14400 16800 16800
16800 19200 19200
19200 21600 21600
21600 24000 24000
2800 4800 26400 28800
7200 28800 31200
9600 3200 4800 33600
12000 7200
14400 9600
16800 12000
19200 14400
21600 16800
24000 19200
26400 21600