Set Normal Schedule
Save Schedules
To save the Normal Schedule, click Save Schedule at the bottom right-hand corner
of the Normal Schedule window.
Click Discard Changes to cancel any modifications you have made.
If you wish to return to the Viewer, select Viewer Screen from the View menu bar.
Camera Servers have feature to record videos on memory of the
camera with sensor input or schedule. If settings are enabled on
the Camera Server, they take precedence over any settings made
in VK-64/VK-16. This may cause some confusion if your VK-
64/VK-16 recording schedules fail to record with the correct
camera preset. You should disable such Camera Server features
if you wish VK-64/VK-16 settings to take precedence.
Finish Setting
Click OK to save the new settings and close the dialog.
Click Cancel to discard the new settings.
When you click OK, the Preset and Exposure Compensation settings are effective on
Video Windows in the Viewer. Control the camera as required by clicking Camera Control.
For VB-C300, only one target external device can be configured
on the External Outputs Settings dialog.
If Setup is clicked, click the drop-down
menu for the target external device and
set External Outputs to On or Not
specified on the External Outputs
Setting dialog.