Storage Server Configuration Dialog
Screen Configuration
The Storage Server Configuration dialog has the following four tabs.
Settings Tab
Events Tab
Event Notification Tab
User Management Tab
Settings Tab
In the Storage Server Configuration dialog, Settings tab allows you to configure these
items below.
Storage Server Name Proxy Server Recording options
Enter name for your Storage Server.
Click the title bar icon and select About Storage
Server Configuration or right-click the title bar to
display the About Storage Server Configuration
Set maximum disk space used for each device.
Also, add or remove network drives.
Enter proxy address for connecting to Camera
Storage Server status indicator. Start Storage
Server and Stop Storage Server start and stop the
Storage Server.
Use an account other than the Local System
account to log onto the Storage Server to enable
connection to the network drive.
Click Apply to save changes when you modify
settings from each tab.
Set Maximum retained history, Maximum file
size/duration and Low Disk Space Warning Level.
VK-64/VK-16 can save video data on the network drive.