Start the Viewer
How toLaunch
Before launching the Viewer, make sure your monitor resolution is set to 1024 x 768 pixels
or more.
Start the Viewer
To start the VK-Lite viewer, double-click VK-Lite Viewer v2.0 on the desktop.
Or, from the Windows Start menu, click Programs > WebView Livescope >
Network Video Recorder VK-Lite v2.0 > VK-Lite Viewer.
To start the VK-64/VK-16 viewer, double click VK Viewer v2.0 on the desktop.
Connects to Storage Server
and launches Viewer.
Select this option to use the
local PC where Viewer is
installed as Master Storage
Or, from the Windows Start menu, click Programs > WebView Livescope >
Network Video Recorder VK Series v2.0 > VK Viewer.
The connect option menu for Storage Server appears. Select the Master
Storage Server option and click Connect.
Start-up Screen
Use IP address
Connects to Storage Server
and launches the Viewer by
specifying its IP address.
Select this option when
Storage Server and the
Viewer are installed on
separate PCs.
Not use Storage Server
Select this option to use
Viewer only without
connecting to Storage
To start the Viewer, you need the user name and password set
for the VK-64/VK-16 Storage Server.